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Brave New World essay

People all around the world try to change their appearance and, or their personality just to “fit in” with the rest of the world. In “Brave New World” by Aldous Huxley, Huxley shows us a perfect example of someone who thinks differently, but is afraid to show it to the world. The character who fits this description happens to be Bernard. Bernard is considered an outcast in the beginning, but doesn’t accept himself for what he truly is. The idea Huxley has on Bernard connects to the theme, which is that it is easier to be part of society and be part of their label, than being an individual and being considered an outcast.
Bernard is a character that right from the beginning we can tell he just thinks differently and is different than the people in the World State. “He was like a man pursued, but pursued by enemies he does not wish to see, lest they should seem more hostile even than he had supposed, and he himself be made to feel guiltier and even more helplessly alone.” (Ch.4 part 2). This shows us how Bernard really feels in the inside, he feels alone, insecure, and worries about what others think about him. "Poor little Bernard!" he said to himself. But at the same time he felt rather ashamed for his friend. He wished Bernard would show a little more pride.” (Ch.4 part 2). This reveals that Helmholtz being Bernard’s friend feels like Bernard is ashamed to talk about his different thoughts. Bernard seems paranoid that others might notice that he is different from everyone else and that they might question his thinking.
Toward the end of the novel Bernard seems to get caught up in the World State, he starts doing things that his past self wouldn’t see himself doing. “And as it was only through Bernard, his accredited guardian, that John could be seen, Bernard now found himself, for the first time in his life, treated not merely normally, but as a person of outstanding importance.” (Ch.11). This explains that Bernard is finally getting the attention he wanted and desired for so long. He is being treated like an important person which makes him feel like he truly belong in the World State. "And I had six girls last week," he confided to Helmholtz Watson. "One on Monday, two on Tuesday, two more on Friday, and one on Saturday. And if I'd had the time or the inclination, there were at least a dozen more who were only too anxious …" (Ch.11). This shows that Bernard is sleeping with people like everyone in the World State, this is something he was against in the beginning of the novel. However, that changed once he got the attention he always wanted and he finally feels like he is included in the society he lives in.
Throughout the novel we can see that Bernard changes to a complete new person, because he would rather change his personality than to show people how he really thinks. "Hush!" said Bernard suddenly, and lifted a warning finger; they listened. "I believe there's somebody at the door," he whispered.” (Ch.4 part 2). This relates to the theme because he doesn’t want others to know how he sees the world, he is afraid that others won’t respect him or his ideas. “Half an hour later they were back in his rooms. Bernard swallowed four tablets of soma at a gulp, turned on the radio and television and began to undress.” (Ch. 6). This reveals that Bernard takes soma just to fit in. He doesn’t want to be an outcast and wants to be like everyone in society. Soma took all the ideas of being different away from Bernard’s brain, and at this point he changes to a complete new person.
Therefore, Bernard’s personality reflects on the main theme. We learn that Bernard would rather fit into society, than to express his ideas and to be considered an outcast. Bernard seems to care more how other view him. He doesn’t seem to reflect on his life and accept who he truly is. At the end of the day we have to reflect on ourselves and do things that makes us happy, because we can’t control how others view us, and we shouldn’t care what they say.


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