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Final essay

     A person can change their way of living by what they go through in life. Everyone goes through different situations that either breaks them, or makes them a better and wiser person. That is why everyone is so unique in the world we live in. In “Fahrenheit 451” by Ray Bradbury, he explains different reasons on why we should live in a world that doesn’t control us, instead we control it.
         Montag is a character that is dynamic because he faces new situations, once he met Clarisse. Throughout the novel Montag changes his way of thinking completely. Due to the fact that Bradbury chose to create the main character Montag to become a dynamic character, creates the theme to be about wisdom and knowledge. It also sets the tone to gloomy because of how the author describes everything Montag sees and goes through.
         Montag changes into a completely new person with the experience he goes through in the novel. “IT was a pleasure to see things eaten, to see thing blackened and changed” (IT WAS A PLEASURE TO BURN). This shows that in the beginning of the novel Montag is explaining how he loves doing what he does.”Nobody knows anyone. Strangers come and violate you. Strangers come and cut your heart out” (IT WAS A PLEASURE TO BURN). This explains how Montag and s realizing that the way they are living is completely wrong. “Only ten years, that’s all, only ten! “Don’t get excited, I’m trying to think.” She laughed an odd little laugh went up and up. “Funny, how funny, not to remember where or when you met your husband or wife” (IT WAS A PLEASURE TO BURN). This is showing how Montag is having new feelings about his wife, and he realizes that they don’t really love each other, which makes him really sad and angry. These are examples on how Montag’s attitude changes and continues to change throughout the novel.
         There are certain events that causes Montag to reflect on life, because he wants to change to become a better person. “He was not happy. He was not happy. He said the words to himself. He recognized this as the true state of affairs. He wore his happiness like a mask and the girl had rush off across the law with the mask…” (IT WAS A PLEASURE TO BURN). Although, Montag seemed happy in the beginning that changes once he met Clarisse and she asked him all those personal questions. “Montag felt the hidden book pound like a heart against his chest” (IT WAS A PLEASURE TO BURN). This revels that Montag is taking risky decisions because he is curious about life when people had books, and it was a normal thing. “My wife’s dying. A friend of mine’s already dead. Someone who may have been my friend was burnt less than twenty-four hours ago” (THE SIEVE AND THE SAND). This shows how Montag isn’t happy even with his job he once liked. Now he feels guilty for burning people’s homes and hurting them. These events helped transfer Montag into a wiser and better person.
         The theme that was created because of how Montag changed is wisdom and knowledge. Also the author's tone towards the characters is gloomy, especially towards the character Mildred. “We can’t do anything. We can’t burn these. I want to look at them, at least look at them once. Then if what Captain says is true, we’ll burn them together” (IT WAS A PLEASURE TO BURN). Montag knows he is going the wrong thing because he has book, he also knows the consequences of having them in his home, and what having them would lead to, form his passed experience with others homes. However, he is willing to do what seems wrong to others to understand books. “I don’t know. We have everything we need go be happy, but we aren’t happy. Something’s missing. I look around. The only thing I positively kinks was gone was the books I’d burned in ten or twelve years. So I thought books might help” (THE SIEVE AND THE SAND). This shows how Montag realizes that you need to do things you love in order to be a happy person. You don’t need experience, new, or important things to have a good life, what you need is what defines you as a person, and that happens to be books for Montag. “Mildred’s mouth twitched. “See what you’re doing? You’ll ruin us! Who’s more important, me or that Bible?” (THE SIEVE AND THE SAND). This shows how the author created a character so odd like Mildred to show what technology does to people. She alabaster reacts do odd like if she isn’t human, instead she seems more like a robot. The author Bradbury chose to give those specific details throughout the novel to send a message about how you can become a wiser person from your own experience in life. Bradbury created characters like Mildred to alarm people in our world to take advantage of our nature and books to help us with reality.
         Therefore, the change of Montag’s attitude reflects on the wisdom and knowledge theme, and also the tone towards the characters. Once Bradbury describes all the details about the world they live in. We realize that their situation is similar to ours. We are starting to forget the meaning of living our lives without technology and it’s going to affect us sooner of later. At the end of the day, we have to be the once to make sure that technology doesn’t control us, and we should be the once taking control of everything that had to do with technology. To live in a world that has human and feelings, we need to live life with the people we love and we need to do things with our five senses, in order to be truly happy.


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