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Showing posts from December, 2018

Final essay

     A person can change their way of living by what they go through in life. Everyone goes through different situations that either breaks them, or makes them a better and wiser person. That is why everyone is so unique in the world we live in. In “Fahrenheit 451” by Ray Bradbury, he explains different reasons on why we should live in a world that doesn’t control us, instead we control it.          Montag is a character that is dynamic because he faces new situations, once he met Clarisse. Throughout the novel Montag changes his way of thinking completely. Due to the fact that Bradbury chose to create the main character Montag to become a dynamic character, creates the theme to be about wisdom and knowledge. It also sets the tone to gloomy because of how the author describes everything Montag sees and goes through.          Montag changes into a completely new person with the experience he goes through in the novel. “IT was a pleasure to see things eaten, to see thing blackene

failing to plan is planning to fail

Montag’s and Faber’s plan is to put books inside all the firemen’s homes so they can burn their own home themselves. Firemen’s will know how people feel when they burn their homes just because they have books. I see this leading on by if they both stick to the plan and don’t hesitate they will be able to succeed. When they do they will be able to show people that books are not bad and that you can learn more when you get information from a book and not just a television.

Montag’s visit

Montag goes and visits Faber because he feels like he can’t talk to anyone about his thoughts and feelings not even to his own wife. He wants someone to help him understand what he is reading and that’s why he ended up at Faber’s house, since he happens to be the only person besides Clarisse who understands his curiosity about books. Both Faber and Montac decide to do is put books in the firemen’s homes and watch them burn their own homes.

Is it just about the job?

What I believe Montag does when he reflects on his job as a firemen, is he things about all his actions he has done and realizes that what he is doing isn’t somethings to proud of. Just because some people have book in their homes they shouldn’t just burn down their whole house. I think after he met Clarisse his point of view on life changed completely. Now when he does his job he feels guilty about everything he does. I believe we should all have a job that we truly enjoy and that we are passionate about, so we can enjoy life and be happy.

My semester goal

What I want to accomplish between now and finals week, is to be able to read “Fahrenheit 451” and see life in a whole new way. I want to be able to read stories and find simple details that can change my way of living. The grade I am aiming for in English class is a B. What I’m going to do in the next couple of weeks to achieve my goals, is work as hard as I can do do everything as best as I can.