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Showing posts from November, 2018

Staying power

What I believe stays with you after you read, is the ways the author describes things. If he or she describes something so clear we can imagine being in that exact spot or situation, it makes us understand the story/book much better. Also the main idea of the story, if it is something interesting to us we will remember the story much more. The lesson the author gives us can impact our way of seeing things, which is why we remember certain things from a reading. However, that is not always the case when we can’t remember certain things from a story/book it’s probably because we didn’t really understand what it was trying to say, it wasn’t giving us an idea of the environment with good descriptive words. Or simply because the theme and main idea doesn’t really interest us.

F451 summary part 1

The theme is technology because that concept is shown through the story. Technology seems to impact people in many ways and it’s shown a lot through this story. It also shows how life will be like in just a couple of years. For the authors Bradbury having this type of theme was very strange, for the time period it was written in. He had a great vision of how someday we humans will be living a life full of technology. The characters Guy Montag and Clarisse McClellan are people that show different perspectives of life, during the time period of the story. Montag is shown as a person that forces himself to be happy. He also lives a life where he isn’t even happy at home. Clarisse on the other hand seems to enjoy life.  She is a smart girl that makes Montag realize he isn’t happy with his way of living. The time period of when the story took place is very similar to ours right now. Technology seems to be the main ideas throughout the story. It is showing how it is taking over the world.

F451 & ME

The story connects to my own life experience in many ways. The way we are living during this period of time is very similar to the way people are living in the story. Electronics are taking over their world the same way it is taking over ours. We are also not communicating as much as we used to do, just like in the story. Clarisse’s family is similar to mine because we like to spend time together , without any electronics near us.


We should have the right to read to expand our knowledge. If we stop reading and just continue watch television, we will lose the ability to do our own thinking, and even forget how to communicate. Outlawing reading will create crisis in the United States. Some people might take advantage of people who don’t read or don’t know how to. Although, people don’t really enjoy reading it helps us understand certain issues that the television don’t include.

Fahrenheit 451 questions

I believe Bradbury choose the title “The Hearth and the Salamander” because throughout the first chapter he revels the main character Montag being a firemen.Once he meets Clarisse conflict starts to happen just between himself.  The connection he is creating is that Montag being a firemen is like the fire lizard and his home being the hearth. From “It was a pleasure to burn. It was a special pleasure to see things eaten, to see things  blackened and  changed ” (1) the assumptions the readers can make is that Montag is a firemen and instead of putting off fires he causes them. He enjoys see things being burned and seeing how they disappear into the flames. When the author wrote  “With the  brass nozzle in his fists, with this great python spitting its venomous kerosene upon the world, the blood  pounded in his head...” (1)  Bradbury chose to characterize a fire hose as a “great python”, because the hose in the story isn’t to save people’s life. This imagery is a negative thing because

Breaking the law

I believe it is wrong to break the law when you feel worried about getting caught and you know it’s something wrong. Also when you are going to hurt other people in anyway and or even yourself. It’s right to break the law when you just want to explore your thinking in a way that others might not really agree with. When you just want to be able to express yourself by trying new things and not hurting others.

So this guy goes for a walk

Ray Bradbury wrote “The Pedestrian” because something similar happened to him. He wanted to show people what life would be like in the future, and wanted to express his thinking, on why a police office would stop anyone from just walking. What happened in his life that contributed towards the tone was all the details he saw on his walk which makes people imagine what he felt like walking. Also the character because it was similar to him scene the character was also a writer like him. He also shows how some writers don’t get enough credit  for what they do or write. The plot of the story also contributed because just from walking and getting stopped, he got inspired to write the short story with how he predicted the future people would react if someone would walk in the dark, late at night.