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Showing posts from September, 2018

Essay “Young Goodman Brown” and “Dream Within a Dream”

               Many ideas come from people remembering their most fearful dreams however, when it comes down to their most loving and peaceful ones no one really seems to remember them. In the short story “Young Goodman Brown” by Nathaniel Hawthorne, he gives us the reader to imagine whether this story was just a dream or reality. The poem “Dream Within a Dream” by Edgar Allen Poe talks about how a dream can make you wish your dreams don’t become reality, and create  fantasy into your life. The story gives you examples on how a dream that seems real can change your way of seen things. In the poem it shows how people would rather dream and hold on to them longer. Although, this short story and poem seems to have things in common they also have great differences.              The short story of “Young Goodman Brown” was written to show that everyone isn’t always who they seem to be. In the beginning young Goodman Brown left his wife Faith behind and she was only described by wearing a p

Response to “Dream Within a Dream”

What I understand from the poem “Dream Within a Dream” is that it seems hard to understand what is a dream and what it real life. It is also really hard to remember what your dream was about even after you just woke up. No matter how had you try to remember it the less you seem to know what you were dreaming about and even the most basic details about it. The author also want to show how he would like to hold on to them for a long period of time so he can remember at least the good things in life, even if that comes from just a dream.

My thoughts on “ Young Goodman Brown”

What I learned from the story “Young Goodman Brown” was that it gave us a good example about how some people lose their trust to certain types of people, by the actions they do. Young Goodman Brown had complete trust towards the minister,  Goody Cloyse,  Deacon  Gookin, and his wife. His faith/trust disappeared when he found out each one of those people he once admired were not the people they seemed to be. 

Reflection on Young Goodman Brown

From the story “Young Goodman Brown” what came to my understanding from the story so far, was that at first Goodman Brown was going to leave his “Faith” at home and walk into the woods. While he was walking a man that looked like his father was caring a staff. While they were both walking Goodman Brown was hesitant to continue walking through the woods. When they were walking Goodman Brown saw the minister, Deacon Gookin and Goody Cloyse, he trusted all three of them because, they were all Christians. However, when he continued walking he saw that all three of them had a dark side and that they had betrayed his trust. At this time Goodman Brown has afraid, until he heard the voice of his “Faith” he wanted to know there it was coming from, until it faded. From the sky a pink ribbon fell onto the floor, when that happens Goodman Brown lost his faith completely. At that moment Goodman Brown belived that there was nothing good on earth, so he decided to become evil.

I am GSD

As an independent learner I believe that it makes me understand a topic more. I can take as much time I want on a specific topic, without anyone telling me to rush my learning process. I feel like I can gather important information when I do my own research. When I become a independent learner it feels like it makes me more motivated and responsible as a person. It motivates me because I know what I need to improve on and I find ways to get better. It also makes me responsible because I know what I need to understand and how to increase my learning in anyway.

Here’s what I learned today

Today I learned what the meaning of “Dinner with the Devil” meant in history class. I learned that is was a gathering to discuss the issues of the government, that included Thomas Jefferson, Alexander Hamilton, and James Madison. Hamilton needed to change Madison’s mind because he needed the House of Representatives to support his idea. Hamilton believed that the debts were a blessing, which makes the country come together.

Early American Literature

Literature is the collecting writings of a group of people. In the beginning most people told story’s by word of mouth. The Colonial literature was written by the government or church, they would threaten  people by showing them what the wrongs were, and to make sure people didn’t do them.

Young Goodman Brown was hallucinating

I believe in the story “Young Goodman Brown”  Brown was hallucinating everything throughout the whole story. “They were my good friends, both; and many a pleasant walk have we had along this path...”. This shows the old man knew to much about Browns relatives, but never actually met Brown. Most strangers you have never met won’t actually come up to you and randomly talk about your relatives in any way. “Welcome!” repeated the fiend-worshippers, in one cry of despair and triumph. And there they stood, the only pair, as it seemed, who were yet hesitating on the verge of wickedness, in this dark wood.” This is showing that Brown was watching the evil ceremony, but wasn’t actually attending it. If there was really an “evil ceremony” I don’t think most people would be able to find it and let them hear what they talk about.”Often, awaking suddenly at midnight, he shrank from the bosom of Faith, and at morning or eventide, when the family knelt down at prayer, he scowled, and muttered to hims

Young Goodman Brown Q & A

Q:What do you think Hawthorne's purpose was for writing this story? A:I believe the purpose of this story written by Hawthorne was to show anyone can appear to be good and kind in every way. However, everyone seems to have a dark side  in their life and that’s what he’s showing throughout the story    Q:Hawthorne states that Brown's wife is "aptly named" Faith.  After reading the story, do you agree?  Does Faith's name fit her personality?  Does Brown have true faith in her? A: Brown’s wife named Faith seemed to fit her personality good. She didn’t really appear in the story. However when she finally did she upsetted Brown and he lost his “faith”. Q:What do you think the pink ribbons signify? A:The pink ribbons signify his faith because whenever his wife had it on it showed he believed in her and had trust towards her and the minister, Goody Cloyse, and Deacon Gookin . However when he sees the pink ribbons fall from the sky he looses his own faith completely

Literature Analysis: A work in progress

“I’ve Got You Under My Skin”- Mary Higgins Clark The plot of the novel was that there was a killer on the run, that killed a little kids father and before he shot his dad he told him “ your mom is next then it’s you”. After so many years they were afraid that the man with “blue eyes” would come and hurt them. While that was happening the little kids named Timmy’s mother was making a show on another mystery crime. They interviewed four girls that were in the Gala and the house keeper, that were at the scene of the murder,and were trying to solve anyone’s motives towards the crime. The theme of the novel was crime because there was two murders involved throuout the whole story, eveyone was trying to solve the crimes. It was also mysterious because many people seemed to be at the Gala the night of the crime but, nobody seemed to have a specific reason on why they killed the lady (Betsy). However, the four girls seem to have a good life and the investigators didn’t have any specific ev

The week in review

Throughout the week I learned the main ideas of tone. Tone is the authors attitude towards the characters, and towards the reader. The author shows this by the description words used, syntax, diction, characterization, imagery and figurative language.

The making of an essay

During this Labor Day weekend I’ve been working on an essay “Conscience of a Hacker” my experience on writing an essay was okay. At first I had everything organized by how I was going to do each paragraph. However, once I was getting to the second body paragraph I started to get confused on what the main ideas was throughout the story. So I had to go back and add things that realated to school and students. I worked on the essay about one hour Friday, Saturday and Monday.

“Conscience of a Hacker” essay

      We are living in a generation full of technology which has increased tremendously over the past years. In the story “Conscience of a Hacker” by The Mentor, he shows us what he wants us to understand from his experience of technology, and how as students we are curious about things. He also gives us evidence that happened when technology was evolving into something greater. Also the author is showing his experience by his way of writing style and I will include my experience towards school.       The author wants his readers to understand that his generations is living a world of technology and how nobody can stop them. “I made a discovery today. I found a computer. . . it does what I want it to. If it makes a mistake, it’s because I screwed it up” (par. 5 lines 22-26). This shows what the first thing was used that started everything, and what most people thought when they started to use something so fascinating to them.. “And then it happened. . . a door opened to a world. . . r