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The steps to my final term paper

Before Friday I had started to answer one of the elements. On Friday night I started my introduction paragraph. Throughout my three day weekend I worked on it every day. I also used the “read aloud” on Word so I was able to hear if what I wrote made sense. After that I wrote my essay in pen, but it took me a while because I kept messing up and I didn’t want to use wite•out.
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I have a writer’s conference coming up with Dr. Preston, and I am excited to go over my final essay and my big question research posts. I chose these two pieces for specific reasons because I feel like I did my best writing on these posts.


The learning modalities that are the most effective for my Masterpiece Topic are auditory and visual. I’ll address these in my presentation by doing a power point and showing pictures so my audience gets an ideas of what I’m explaining. I am also planing to speak clearly so my audience is able to follow with everything I am saying.

Brave New World essay

People all around the world try to change their appearance and, or their personality just to “fit in” with the rest of the world. In “Brave New World” by Aldous Huxley, Huxley shows us a perfect example of someone who thinks differently, but is afraid to show it to the world. The character who fits this description happens to be Bernard. Bernard is considered an outcast in the beginning, but doesn’t accept himself for what he truly is. The idea Huxley has on Bernard connects to the theme, which is that it is easier to be part of society and be part of their label, than being an individual and being considered an outcast. Bernard is a character that right from the beginning we can tell he just thinks differently and is different than the people in the World State. “He was like a man pursued, but pursued by enemies he does not wish to see, lest they should seem more hostile even than he had supposed, and he himself be made to feel guiltier and even more helplessly alone.


Two big ideas I got by reading the ending of Brave New World is that people always get caught up in society and what others think. People can not be taken seriously about their feeling because others won’t understand them, or it’s something they have never felt before so others don’t know how to react.

Brave New World Theme

From reading the book Brave New World the theme for me is loneliness. In the beginning we are introduced to Bernard, when we meet him he feels like he doesn’t fit in. He seems to be different from others and thinks differently than the people from the World State. People in the World State take soma and do sexual things in order to please themselves and others because they feel empty inside. John also feels out of place when he arrives to the World State that he wants to leave to the island. 


What causes sleep paralysis? I used the internet as my resource to help me understand my big question. What I learned from researching my questions was one of the main causes that cause sleep paralysis which is rapid eye movements, this causes a person to dream vivid dreams while their muscles are turned off. If the person wakes up before the dream is over their body's is still numb and unable to move. This connects to the story Brave New World because people take soma to numb their pain. I will do more research to find out whether this is the only cause of sleep paralysis, or are there more reasons on why people can get sleeping paralysis.