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Chapter 1
A: He went to East Egg because he wanted to see two old friends who he barely knew, which were Tom and Daisy.
A: Daisy’s expression was so negative because girls during that time were seemed to be “useless”,
and all they care about is their appearance. She also believes her daughter is going to turn out to be just like her.
Chapter 2
A: Tom likes visiting Mr.Wilson because he gets to see Mrs.Wilson and  they are secretly dating.
A: Tom seems to have a large amount of power and he is very rich so he thinks he can do whatever he wants. Mrs.Wilson is still with Tom because she doesn’t feel love when she’s with Mr.Wislon.
Chapter 3
A: People go into automobiles which bore them out of Long Isalnd, and some how end up at Gatsby’s home.
A: Jorden hates careless people and Nick seems to care about others
Chapter 4
A: He said this because he can never forget the night they shot Ray outside the building.
A: Jorden told Nick that Gatsby wants him to invite Daisy over his house and invite him. Gatsby was afraid he waited to long and he thought Nick would get offended
Maria / answered correctly 8/8
Yaraldi /answered correctly 8/8
Gisele / answered correctly 1/8


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