I don’t believe GATSBY was that great of a person because he was obsessed with Daisy and he lied about his life. It seemed like he was ashamed to show people who he truly was. However, he seemed like a good person because he was always so kind to Nick, but that maybe just because he knew Daisy and wanted Nick to see him as a good person. Nick isn’t honest with himself because he hangs out with people with aren’t. He always talked about them behind their backs just like each one of them do. He always reminded himself he is honest and if he truly was he wouldn’t constantly say it. He constantly hangs out with dishonest people because he felt like he fit in with them or he wanted to, so he wanted to see what each of them hide. He respects them and seeks out relationships with them because he wants to know about their life’s and wants to feel like he fits in with them. With the information he gets he can have an interesting life to tell others. “They were careless people, Tom and Daisy- ...
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