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Showing posts from April, 2019

Brave New World Theme

From reading the book Brave New World the theme for me is loneliness. In the beginning we are introduced to Bernard, when we meet him he feels like he doesn’t fit in. He seems to be different from others and thinks differently than the people from the World State. People in the World State take soma and do sexual things in order to please themselves and others because they feel empty inside. John also feels out of place when he arrives to the World State that he wants to leave to the island. 


What causes sleep paralysis? I used the internet as my resource to help me understand my big question. What I learned from researching my questions was one of the main causes that cause sleep paralysis which is rapid eye movements, this causes a person to dream vivid dreams while their muscles are turned off. If the person wakes up before the dream is over their body's is still numb and unable to move. This connects to the story Brave New World because people take soma to numb their pain. I will do more research to find out whether this is the only cause of sleep paralysis, or are there more reasons on why people can get sleeping paralysis.

BNW chapter 18 notes

John looks ill “       “ said he ate civilization and that it poisoned him The Controller didn’t let John go to the island with Helmholtz Because the Controller wants to go on with his experiment John still decides he wants to go He goes to an abandon lighthouse in between  Puttenham and Elstead John prays to both  Jesus and Pookong He buys everything he think he needs and makes himself a bow and arrow to hunt People appear at the lighthouse where John is at to tell him things Lenina appears when she steps out of the helicopter  After the orgy which made John feel ashamed he killed himself  When visitors start calling out for John he does not answer  His feet were found high up in the air and they belong to Johns dead body

BNW chapter 17 notes

Both John and the Controller are left alone  There was something called God, before the Nine Year’s War The Controller has books about God The civilization choose machinery, medicine, and happiness Controller believes that there is a chance God exists  John believes you can judge a world by the values John believes that people NEED God ( noble and heroic) The Controller believes that there is no need for noble and heroic  Controller said that soma is “Christianity without tears” John wants God, poetry, danger, goodness, sin, and freedom  The Controller tells John the hw is welcome to have all those things  

BNW chapter 16

John, Bernard, and Helmholtz were sent to the Controller’s study Helmholtz seems to be in a good mood / saying jokes John finds a book while he’s there Mustapha appears and shakes their hand “               “ asked John if he was against civilization John was going to lie, however by the “good-humored intelligence of the Controller” he decided to tell the truth Bernard was worried about what the Controller   thought about him being a friend to someone who didn’t like civilization  Both the John and  Mustapha   had read the same book The Controller said that they don’t want people to be attracted to old things, but to new ones John didn’t really understand the word “science” The Controller believed that none of them really know what science is The polices took Bernard away After Bernard is away Mustapha confesses that being on the island was a good thing He isn’t in the island anymore because he was offered a job as a World Controller “Happiness has got to be paid for


The attention giving to the Savage was forgotten and focused on the black cash-box “Linda has been a slave” The Savage believed that what people were taking was poison (soma) "I come to bring you freedom," said the Savage, turning back towards the twins.“ The Savage was tell people from the hospital if the wanted freedom, but they didn’t answer him He wanted to teach those people if they wanted freedom or not Bernard did not know where the Savage had gone Helmholtz didn’t know either, until he receive a call from the hospital John was yelling at the Deltas He dumped the soma through the window and Bernard believed he was mad Bernard gets shot  All the Deltas calmed down and went home One of the police tells Bernard to go with him, since he is a friend of the “prisoner”



Some people think research is boring because they have to do it for a class, and it’s usually about something that’s not interesting. But today I did research and it was awesome. Here’s how I did it. I first thought about an interesting question and that’s when I came up with the topic about “what causes sleep paralysis”. I have heard different people experience similar experiences when it comes to having sleep paralysis, but I thought to myself what caused it and why. So that’s when I reached it up, I used my phone, used safari, and google. Then I typed “what causes sleep paralysis” and I clicked on the website. The website provided different categories on causes, symptoms, and treatment. I felt like this website was reliable because the website itself seemed professional, and so believe that sleep paralysis has to do with science.The cause of sleep paralysis is due to rapid eye movement known as REM. REM causes the brain into having vivid dreams, while the muscles of

BNW chapter 14 notes

John goes to the hospital to see Linda slowly dying The nurse tells John what there isn’t any hope for Linda to survive John was remembering every memory with Linda : reading lessons, her explaining the other world and how beautiful it was, the paradise of loveliness and goodness At the age of 44 Linda looks like a monster The head nurse didn’t understand what disgraceful meant when John told her about the children Linda didn’t seem to recognize John The nurse was more worried about John scaring the children, then Linda dying

BNW chapter 13 notes

Henry is asking Lenina to a date but she seems upset Lenina only wants John and only him Danny doesn’t understand why Lenina only wants “A man-one man” John is waiting for Helmholtz when Lenina shows up Half a gramme made Lenina forget her tears and embarrassment Lenina didn’t understand what getting married meant The terror made Lenina forget about the pain The Savage named Lenina whore The Savage was being aggressive to Lenina and told her if she didn’t leave he was going to kill her Lenina then locks herself in the bathroom John then is talking to someone and says that she’s ill

BNW reading notes chapter 12

People were waiting to see John However John didn’t want to meet them The savage wasn’t going to the party Lenina is telli herself that John doesn’t like her Arch- Community takes Lenia with him Bernard was left all alone John was reading Romeo and Juliet Bernard tells John that everyone is against him, since John wasn’t and the party John would rather be unhappy than The Savage saw himself as Romeo and Lenina as Juliet Helmholtz and John are becoming good friends

BNW chapter 11 notes

The Director has resigned immediately after the science He didn’t set foot inside the Centre again No one had the desire to see Linda The stronger reason on why people didn’t want to Linda was because of her appearance “Soma May make you lose a few years in time,”’the doctor want one.” They treats Bernard differently since John and him are so close Henry was being extremely nice to Bernard Fanny was going to meet the Savages next Wednesday Bernard is tell Helmholtz Watson that he had 6 women last week Bernard thought Watson was just jealous of him so he stopped talking to him People were talking badly about Bernard behind his back  John goes to the  Electrical Equipment Corporation John visits a school in London  Lenina doesn’t know whether or not John likes her or not

Book Club Of One

Yes, it helps to talk about a book with people who are also interested in the same book as you, because you get their perspective and how they understood different concepts differently than you. When people know what I’m talking about it makes me feel good that other people read the same book and like them as much as I do When people don’t know what I’m talking about is like I am talking to no one, because they can’t interact with my about a specific topic.


Something I want to learn between now and June is the ability to truly understand and take advantage of my resources around me, especially with the internet. I want to learn how to use the internet without it using me. Somethings I want to get good at is being able to write better especially when it comes to essays.

BNW chapter 10 notes

Back in the World State the eggs expanding and dividing “Director's face, as he entered the Fertilizing Room with Henry Foster, was grave, wooden with severity.” The Director wanted to speak with Bernard  “The security and stability of Society are in danger” The Director “ pointed accusingly at Bernard” Linda entered the room Linda told the Director that he made her have a baby John told the Director that he was his father 

BNW reading notes chapter 9

Lenina is disgusted by the Reservation She swallowed six half-gramme tablets of soma Eighteen hours at least before she woke up again Bernard flew to Santa Fe Post Office Bernard talks to Mustapha Mond to allow John and Linda enter the World State John thought Bernard was gone “most terrible thing that had ever happened to him” He found Lenina’s suitcase through the window he flared with joy The green slippers were the most beautiful things he had ever seen He found Lenina sleeping / she looked beautiful John then hurried outside when he heard the humming of the helicopter In it was Bernard