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Showing posts from March, 2019

BNW chapter 8 ideas

1. Bernard asked John to explain “everything”  about his life since the beginning 2. Since Linda comes from the World State she is used to being in multiple relationships with many men all in one time. The effect that this issue brings to the Reservation is that people that are from the Reservation don’t live their life’s the same way as in the World State, they actually respect people’s relationship. John learns all about this when he is able to read. 3. Popé brings Linda mescal. 4. John hates Popé. John stabs Popé when he was sleeping with Linda. Popé just laughs and tells him to leave. 5. Shakespeare allusion in this chapter comes from the “The Complete World of William Shakespeare”  John enjoyed reading it because he feels like it describes the way his life is / feels. It showed him the true relationship between Linda and Popé, it inspired John to “kill” Popé. 6. The experience that caused John to feel alone was when the boys beat him up and left him outside the Pueblo all alo

BNW notes chapter 8

Linda was crying because she broke something Mescal should be named soma Women were whipping Linda because she was sleeping with their husbands People were so beastly and unfair Linda was blaming John because she would have gone to the Inspecto but she couldn’t with a baby People in the world state were never sad or angry Boys called Linda bad John was learning how to read John hates Popé that he stabbed him Popé calls John Brave John gets happy when he finds out Bernard and Lenina aren’t married

Good Morning

A habit I will start doing for my morning rountine will be to choose my outfits the night before. With that it will help me from being stressed in the morning. A habit I will continue doing will be to continue eating breakfast in the morning. A habit I will stop doing would be to check my phone right when I wake up, because when I do I usually feel stressed.

chapter 7 BNW

Lenina and Bernard got the the Pueblo  Indians are present  cleanliness is next to fordliness- cleaning up is better then having things dirty  Persevere them from diseases Two young women giving breast to their babies - Lenina felt weird and uncomfortable  “Bright blankets, and feathers in black hair, and the glint of turquoise, and dark skins shine with heat. Lenina put her handkerchief to her nose again” Lenina liked the drums Once the drums stopped life seemed to come to an end A man was sacrificing for his god Mescal “Civilization is Stevilization” “Lenina noticed with disgust that two of the front teeth were missing. And the clour of the ones that remained ... She shuddered.” -Linda They made children all the time 

Reading me

The only things I read when I’m at home are the post I see on social media since I’m more on my phone that any other thing. I also read when I’m asked to, however other than that I don’t read for fun. Although, I know it’s improtant to read I feel like I have to do other things than to sit down in complete silence and pick up a book to read it.


I finished reading chapter 5 from “Brave Bew World”. I read it and what I found was the important ideas what that Hernry told something very important to Lenina which was that people enjoy being the class they are, since they have never learned what’s it like being anything else. Also that Bernard does solidarity service on Thursday and he felt more isolated while he attended it. Chapter 6 Lenina was thinking that she shouldn’t change her mind to go to Mexico and instead go to the North Pole with Benito North Pole- “hotel too hopelessly old-fashioned–no television laid on in the bedrooms, no scent organ, only the most putrid synthetic music, and not more than twenty-five Escalator-Squash Courts for over two hundred guests.” Bernard was the only men Lenina knew has an entitled permit  Talking and walking was an odd way to spend your afternoon  She doesn’t know what “free” is  Bernard took a soma tablet The director signs a permit so he can visit Reservation  The director told B

BNW chapter 5 notes

Lenina remembers her first shock of fear “everyone works for everyone else. . .” After you are dead you can go on being socially useful Physics- chemically equal People enjoy being the class they are, since they don’t know what’s it like being anything else Lenina and Hernry only wanted to be inside safe with the weather Thursday were Bernard’s Solidarity Service days Twelve members sit in one table Bernard felt more  isolated

Part 2 BNW chapter 4

Soma- drug Caste- social level   Lenina was making Bernard suffer Bernard felt like an outsider and acted as one Bernard stood eight cent shorter of a standard Alpha  Helmholtz Watson- powerfully built man, deep-chested, broad-shouldered, massive, and yet quick in his movements, springy and agile Bernard is taking Lenina to New Mexico  Watson wrote regularly for The Hourly Radio Both Bernard and Watson shared their knowledge that they were individuals  Sport, women, communal activities where only, so far second best for Watson Watson was not dating and he was focused on his life by doing things he couldn’t understand  Watson felt like his writing wasn’t important enough the wanted to write more intense and violent  Watson felt ashamed that Bernard didn’t show pride  “   men are physico-chemically equal” said Henry 

BNW chapter 3 and BNW chapter 4

In the society games were played so people would want to buy things The characters names represent something big in the government  Children are playing adult games Children don’t have relationships with parents since they don’t have any Surreptitious- secretive  Huxley was less meaning of attachment towards parents and relationships  Characters: Mustapha Mond first character/name introduced  Henry Foster  Bernard Marx- something weird about him Resident controller for Western Europe  Famous people and places are so powerful  Lenina Crowne  Huxley is alternating is going back and forth from the people point of view Squalid- horrible  Huxley want us to examines our life’s and he’s giving us a mirror to look at their life’s so we can see if they are different from ours Bernard Marx has a reputation because he said to be an  introvert Nine years war-  World Control and destruction Lenina says she's getting tired of Henry since they have been dating for


It seems like we are living a life that is similar to the book because we do things that are quite strange, but we don’t question it because that’s how we are shown to live. Explains how it can realate to the future now and what’s to come forward in this world we live in. From observing others as kids we learn that judging people for the way the act, things they do, how they seem to be and we think it’s okay to think that way about others. Like in the story machines seem to control people and they feel the need to use them and for us right now it’s the same with technology. We are acting like robots and following orders from people what we don’t even now. We seems to memorize things but we don’t fully understand the true meaning of what it stands for and or what it truly means.


The story starts of by the author wanting us to imagine an image  To get us thinking  One rest of the building are bigger  Tone in the beginning s harsh  People are together but they are so  concentrated in themselves  Thinkers aren’t the important things, little things are what makes ideas more important  A.F? “Alphas and Betas remained until definitely bottled; while the Gammas, Deltas and Epsilons were brought out again, after only thirty-six hours, to undergo Bokanovsky's Process.“ the characters being created by different types of people The people from society don’t see the humans being created as people Embryos are like photograph films, can only stand red light   The system labeled a T for males, circle for females, those who were destined to become freemartins had a question mark There was as many as thirty percent of the female embroiled to develope normally  The others got a dose of male sex-hormone  Babies as socialized human beings, Alphad or Epsilon, as


The New World is going to be the same as the old one. The Brave New World is about the future. Savages couldn’t transport to Utopia until having the opportunity of learning about nature first. The theme is about advancement of science and how it affects the human individual. People who will given the new world will not be sane and will want social stability. Huxley belived that there is no reason why the new totalitarianisms should stay the same as the old one. The discovery’s will consume of technology aid of drugs, use of alcohol, human differences that enable government assign  giving individuals property in the social system, and a long term process generating totalitarian control.